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Leadership First Impression

I thought that the course description was direct enough to give us a bird's eye view of what we'll be learning in this course.  However, I'm hoping that this course will discuss how leadership brings about change in MORE THAN just an organization.  It's obvious by interacting with anyone, anywhere, that leadership is all around us in many forms.  It does not solely exist in business.  I want to explore all the forms of leadership and not be limited to the styles showcased in the business realm.

The outcomes of this course seem like requirements needed to do well in life, let alone requirements needed to do well in this class.  I possess many of these skill sets going into this class and thus have confidence in a successful outcome.  I enjoy analyzing and interpreting data, both quantitative and qualitative.  I am, after all, an accountant.  So you can imagine the amount of analysis I do in a day.  I also have worked in enough teams to know when to stand my ground and when to give in.  I am a little concerned as to the complexity of "understanding complex systems."  However, that worry is eased by the fact that tutors and assistance by you, the professor, are readily available.

I am very excited to start this MBA program.  It will open many doors in my future, the first being able to take the CPA exam after I graduate.  Well, I can actually take the exam now but will not receive my designation until I have 150 credits.  I'm also excited to be in a classroom with people who actually have a desire to be there.  I have had many experiences with fellow students, all throughout my education, who simply did not care about learning and showed no enthusiasm toward it.  I look forward to being surrounded by people like myself, people who not only want to learn but get the most out of the entire experience.

This course looks a little tough, but doable.  I believe that if it was easy, everyone would do it.  If everyone did it, it would become insignificant.  I'm ready for the challenge, so let's get started.


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